Louisiana | Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine
We are a full-service tertiary care facility that can accommodate the veterinary needs of alpaca owners. Please call before coming in with an emergency so our team has time to prepare.
Skip Bertman Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Map and Directions
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine (LSU SVM) is located on the LSU campus on the corner of Skip Bertman Drive and River Road. Directions are available online at https://lsu.edu/vetmed/about_svm/directions.php.
Open 24/7
Veterinarian Referral
No referral needed to make an appointment or bring in an emergency.
Telephone Consultations
We cannot give out medical advice without a valid client-patient relationship. We do offer consults on management strategies and, of course, will see an emergency at any time day or night.
No charge for consultations over the phone.
Out-of-State Consultations
We can provide consultations on management outside of the state, but we encourage that these owners develop a relationship with a local veterinarian.