Shear Report Guide
Overview: The AOA shear report and fleece data entry process is provided to help AOA members prepare for, collect, and report fleece data for inclusion in the EPD program. Additionally, the process provides easily printed order forms and a spreadsheet with all the information required to order your fiber testing. This process can be used for any alpaca in any AOA account that you have, in addition to any alpacas that have been set up in your contracted and boarded alpaca lists.
Step 1
Prepare for Shearing
Overview: This step should be completed prior to shearing in order to print off a list of your alpacas. This list will be used to track the necessary information during the shearing process and to complete Step 2.
- Log in and click "EPD Tools" on your Dashboard and then select Shear Report Tool from the list.
- Select the alpacas that you wish to include in your shear report from the window on the left and then click “add.” If you wish to print the shear report for you entire account, check the box “Select All” and then click “add.”
- Once the desired alpacas have been copied from the left window to the right window, click “print shear list” under the right window. This will generate a PDF that you can print and use to track your fleece information as you shear each alpaca. You may also save this PDF for future use.
NOTE: The shear report will include any microchip, tattoo, or ear tag information that is stored in the AOA database in order to help you identify alpacas while shearing. Additionally, if there is a previous shear date stored in the database, it will be included as well. If this date is not filled in, you can enter it manually along with the current shear date, sample date, and fleece weight.
During Shearing
- Take your sample from the mid-side, in the same location every time.
- Make sure your sample is not contaminated with seconds.
- Fill in the required data on the printed shear report as you complete the shearing of each alpaca.
- The best method for collecting fleece weight is to weigh each animal before and after shearing to accurately report the total weight of shorn fleece. If this is not possible, it is important to weigh the fleece the same for your entire herd.
Step 2
Enter Data and Generate Fiber Testing Order Forms
Overview: This step is completed after shearing. Fleece data is entered into the AOA system and all the necessary forms to order are generated. This includes a pdf of the order forms along with a spreadsheet of your order information.
- Log in and click "EPD Tools" on your Dashboard and then select Shear Report Tool from the list.
- By default, your selected list of alpacas (on the right) will already include the alpacas you chose in Step 1. If you would like to include additional alpacas or remove alpacas you can do so at this time.
- Once all alpacas you wish to report data on is listed in the right window, click “enter fleece data” under the right window.
- Enter Account of Residence, Last Shear Date (if known, or applicable), Shear Date, Sample Date, and Fleece Weight for each alpaca. Click “download fleece testing order forms” to generate a PDF of the fleece testing order forms and a spreadsheet of your order information. The PDF will contain a one-page order form for each alpaca. Print the pdf file.
- Submit a mid-side 2” x 2” square fiber sample retained in the staple configuration in a snack-size zip-lock bag.
- If you are also requesting color testing, samples must be 4" x 4" and packed in a 5" x 5" zip-lock bag.
- Fold and insert the shear report form with the alpaca name facing out into the fiber sample bag and seal. This allows SGS to identify who the sample belongs to.
- Place your order online with an approved AOA fiber testing lab.
- Email the generated spreadsheet of your order along with your tracking number to the lab.
Step 3
Ship your bagged samples. We recommend using a service that provides a tracking number.
You can ship your samples to SGS or the AOA office.
Shipping Instructions to SGS
- Follow SGS's shipping instructions that were sent with your order reference.
- Value your package at $1, not the cost of testing. Otherwise, your samples are taxed as product.
- Track your package!
Shipping Instructions to AOA
AOA will collect samples at the office and ship them to SGS. Shipping will occur every time we have a full box. This service is being offered to keep shipping costs down for our members.
- The cost to ship will be approximately $1.00 per sample and charged to your account.
- An additional $3.00 per sample will be charged for all samples that don't meet the packaging requirements. Samples can also be returned at member expense.
- Track your package!
Contact the office with any questions.