AlpacaGram 11.53 | James G. King Award Presented To Larry and Becky Zierer
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James G. King Award Presented To Larry and Becky ZiererThis award, created in 2012, was named in honor of Jim King, a longtime member and Board Member of both the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association (AOBA) and Alpaca Registry, Inc. (ARI) who passed away unexpectedly on April 5, 2012. The James G. King Industry Recognition Award is awarded by the Alpaca Owners Association, Inc. (AOA) Board of Directors to a person who has given of themselves exceptionally and consistently toward the betterment of the alpaca industry. We're thrilled to announce Larry and Becky Zierer as the recipient of the James G. King Industry Award! Becky and Larry have a small farm in Bennett, Colorado, called LaZyB Acres Alpacas where they raise breeding quality alpacas, angora goats, and angora rabbits. Larry and Becky have been Alpaca Breeders of the Rockies (ABR) members since 1998 and AOA since 2008. Becky was elected to the ABR Board in 2002, and elected ABR president from 2003–2007. In 2008, while she was acting as past president, she began working as the Great Western Alpaca Show (GWAS) Event Manager. With the help of other ABR Board members and volunteers, Becky brought forth many programs that directly benefited the alpaca community. Becky did not do all of this by herself. It was her ability to communicate with others and demonstrate a willingness to work and explore new ideas that made others want to help. Larry is and was the “go-to” guy. He is logical, can identify the issue at hand and moves forward without fanfare or controversy. Please join us in congratulating Larry and Becky Zierer for their outstanding contributions and dedication to the alpaca community! Watch the acceptance video for more details on their remarkable achievements. | |||
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